You can cripple me but you never disable me!
Living in a perfect world, the horror.
Dead is a real friend, he will alway remember you.
I wanted to live healthier but it appears that those extra years are added at the end.
Sometimes I see somebody and think ‘there is too much of you’.
NSA, you can’t handle my privacy.
If someone shouts he’s probably out of arguments.
The harder you talk the less I listen.
If you want my privacy you gonna need to kiss my ass first.
Whatever you have anger or joy in you continu to develop yourself.
I don’t like half-assed jobs so I don’t have a job at all.
In my attempt to structure I got lost in chaos.
If I had to do it all over again…I would.
And what am I suppose to do with your respect?
Life has a point, a zero-dimensional one.
I just scared the shit out of myself ’cause a brief moment of happiness.
‘God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.” First example of false-consensus effect.
I have patience but it’s not intended for you.