sings: Well officer, ”I get knocked down – But I get up again – You’re never going to keep me down”
Coming soon, the past.
Well officer, my name is Jack Bauer and you have to listen to me carefully…
This day had the perfect amount of words.
Well officer, that’s NOT a straight line.
Reality shows and reality are two totally different things.
Well officer, I’ll wouldn’t call it driving. I’m way too waisted for that.
Are you ready for tomorrow?
I need more options.
I can’t remember my age, they keep changing it every year.
This was a secret.
I might have a lucky pair of underpants…I just don’t know it.
Between meals and snacks I’m a perfect vegetarian.
Chapter 4 is my favourite.
I want to quit but I was too lazy to start in the first place.
You’re not in my reality.
Is it just me or are you still here?
Playing hard to get is okay, but it’s not supposed to last for years.
Living in my own fiction.
Why do I keep finding the wrong solutions?